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Frezy Learned to Understand Football during #GarudaSelect Program

Frezy is sure that the knowledge gained during #GarudaSelect program in England for about six months will be beneficial for his future in football.

Finally, midfielder Frezy Al-Hudaifi's dream came true. He succeeded in joining a high intensity football training through #GarudaSelect Development Program in England. Frezy is sure that the knowledge gained during #GarudaSelect program in England for about six months will be beneficial for his future in football.

"After undergoing the #GarudaSelect program, my understanding of playing is now much better. In the past, I was often lazy to run and didn't understand the meaning of guarding open space. I also still easily lost the ball too often because I failed to make the right decisions quickly," said Frezy.

"I didn't just learn about kicking or passing techniques, but also how to move without ball and to play pressing football as a team, not just as an individual. This is the important part of a collaboration that I could really understand during the #GarudaSelect program in England. Coach Dennis (Wise) and Des (Walker) constantly reminded me about it. I also became more accustomed to evaluate my game through video analysis sessions, " added Frezy.

Another thing that really impressed the player who was born in Jakarta, April 21, 2004 is the family spirit in the #GarudaSelect team. "Cooperation is not only on the field, but also off the field. I can never forget the family spirit during the #GarudaSelect program in England, when I played the playstation or guitar and sang together," said Frezy.

Frezy also wishes the next generation of #GarudaSelect all the best. "I want to see the #GarudaSelect team of the next generations continue to be better than the previous ones. Hopefully they can be a source of pride for the family and for the nation,Indonesia," Frezy concluded.

Watch again Frezy's best actions on the reruns of the #GarudaSelect match as well as the story behind the #GarudaSelect team's journey in the Dream Chasers Series in Mola.


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