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Fitzsimons’ Exercise Tips to Increase Stamina and Body Strength

Edgard and Jake Fitzsimmons invite us to practice simple movements that we can do at home to increase our stamina and strength.

Fit with Fitzsimmons' program feature #GarudaSelect left-back, Edgard Amping. Edgard and Jake Fitzsimmons invite us to practice simple movements that we can do at home to increase our stamina and strength.

According to Jake, there are four movements and each movement should be done for 30 seconds, interspersed with 30 seconds of rest. Each movement is done twice, so the whole exercise will be about 25 minutes.

"The first movement is push-ups. If this movement is difficult, then you can rest on your knees," said Jake. "The second movement is a side plank where the body rests on the left side and then stops in a strong position. This movement is done 30 seconds then rest 30 seconds before moving on to the next movement, namely the side plank on the right side," explained Jake.

The last movement is shoulder touches. A position that is almost like a push up, but alternating hand movements touching the shoulders. "When the position is strong, then move your hands in turn to touch the shoulders," said Jake.

"The movements that Jake teaches help to shape the upper body such as the arms, abs, and chest. Push-ups are useful for shaping the chest and arms, side planks for the stomach and arms, and shoulder touches for the arms and stomach," said Edgard. "I have no trouble because I'm used to it so I'm sure friends at home can do it too," continued Edgard.

Physical strength and muscles are important things that a professional football player must have. Developing physical strength is one of the focuses of the #GarudaSelect coaching team in addition to other important things such as basic soccer lessons, techniques and tactics.

Wait for more tips that will be given by Jake Fitzsimmons, simple exercise patterns that can be done in our respective homes to increase stamina, physical strength and of course keep us fit.



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